Synthetic Views of Earth by SER

Post date: Feb 17, 2012 10:42:50 PM

Here are three different test views of Earth as reproduced by SER in HD Format [1920x1080]. SER tries to reproduce as best as possible the true-colors of Earth, including atmospheric effects, as seen by the human eye. These images also include synthetic visible stars with their actual relative positions, brightness, and colors (click the image for clarity). The images were done as part of a calibration test of SER to render images of potential habitable planets for HEC. 

There are not many one-shot true-color full-globe images of Earth. Most are a result of a composite of low-orbit images like this one that usually modify atmospheric effects to add more visual impact. Many geostationary satellites take hourly global images of Earth but not in true-color. It is always hard to reproduce these types of images because they depend on the camera and the actual post image manipulations and enhancements. Check here for a few real images of Earth for comparison.