Simplified Catalog
These simplified tables of the Habitable Worlds Catalog (HWC) are easier to explore online. Columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the headers. Search within these tables using the browser search function Ctrl+F (Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS) or ⌘-F (Mac).
Table 1. List of the potentially habitable exoplanets in the HWC, including the conservative and optimistic samples. They are sorted by the Earth Similarity Index (ESI).
Table 2. List of all the exoplanets in the HWC. Only those warm subterran, terran, or superterran exoplanets are considered potentially habitable. They are sorted by the Earth Similarity Index (ESI). In general, potentially habitable exoplanets have an ESI > 0.5, but this is not always true since the habitability criteria are independent of the ESI.
Download Data
The full catalog has data for all confirmed exoplanets analyzed by the HWC. Those potentially habitable are identified with the flag p_habitable > 0 (conservative = 1 and optimistic = 2).
Simplified Catalog - fewer columns and only potentially habitable exoplanets (CSV)
Full Catalog - all exoplanets (Zip File)
Full Catalog - all exoplanets (IDL Save File - Use SciPy's ReadSav to read it in Python)
Known Issues
Some fields include derived or modeled data, which might include large errors for different reasons. Always compare data with other databases (see below) or check the original papers.
Lower limit measurements of radius and mass are indicated with the flags p_radius_limit = ±1 and p_mass_limit = ±1, respectively.
Some calculated fields in the catalogs are listed with machine precision, and the number of digits does not correspond to the observational precision.
As of January 2024, the data files are being actively updated with new fields or corrections.
Other Databases
* This is the main data source of the HWC
Contact Prof. Abel Méndez for suggestions or to report any problem with the data.